
Three key changes from the Belize IBC Act

OECD to achieve the requirements of the white list, FATF in order to respond to, Belize 7 May 21 in the days 2017 of years IBC has revised the method. The amendments include the registration of the director and the real owner and the abolition of bearer shares.


Abolition of bearer stock

Of bearer shares issued prohibition MAA Belize corporation you do not have a will, MAA change of 2018 year 7 must be finished until January. Otherwise, a $ 5,000 / day fine will be imposed.


Real owner registration

Under the new terms, it is necessary to register the information of the real owner of the corporation at the registry. It is not necessary to submit UB information to the government, it does not include the records of past owners and applies only to the current owner. Corporate directors are obligated to keep the owner's latest information. Otherwise, you will be fined $ 500 / day. Directors who allow such violations are also fined. This would be a violation of the rules for filing false or misleading information, and would be fined around $ 50,000 .


Director registration

It is mandatory to register all director information and keep it in the registry. A legal entity acting as a rule will be given a $ 25 / day penalty.


For more information, please see the following link:
